
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Back injury and slow recovery

A week ago I started my week 15 training. Did a 3 mile walk as scheduled. The next day, Zoe slipped off the bed and was going head first toward the floor. Out of instinct I reached out and grabbed her with my left hand, I was holding Fiona in my right arm. Well, I kept her from falling but in the processes pulled my back. Zoe weighs about 40 pounds so that was 40 pounds of dead weight pulling straight down. She pulled me forward and I actually heard and felt my back pop! I let her gently down to the floor but then I couldn't stand back up right. It took me a few minutes to straighten up. Needless to say, it hurt really bad! It was a strange injury. It went from my left lower back down to about half way of my thigh but also went across the front from my lower back to my groin. Then after about 2 days it started to hurt on the opposite side in the middle of my back and around to the right groin. Very strange. So for the last week I can been taking care of that. Trying to get better and not make it worse which isn't easy when you have a 3 years and a 7 month old.

So anyway, I have felt pretty good for the last couple of days so I decided to try for a walk today. It started out fine. I took the pace slow at around 2.5mph. It felt good to walk again but at about a half a mile I started to feel it in my back. Both left lower back and groin. I keep going for a few but it only continued to get worse so I decide not to press my luck. I didn't want to make it worse. I'll try again tomorrow.

Maybe I can add a 1/4 to a 1/2 a mile to each walk this week until I am back up to speed. Then hopefully next week I can get back on schedule. Keep your fingers crossed.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Haven't posted in a while!

Wow! It has been nearly two weeks since I have posted! I just have't been feeling it! My motivation has been laxed to say the least. It has just been one thing or another. I have been increasing on my weekly miles but not my daily walks. I seem to be stuck at 6 miles! I should have already increased to 7s and 8s by now & this week calls for a 10! Man I am so far behind schedule! I hope I can get moving and get back on track or I may not be ready! Ugghhh!

Good news is my fundraising went really well for June! I am more than half way and I just mailed out 20 more letters! I am hopefully that I will at least make that goal. It is looking good so far!

Well, only 15 weeks to go! Gotta 'Move it, move it!'