
Monday, May 24, 2010

Isn't this supposed to get easier??

maybe when I quit walking at NOON!!!

Barely managed 3.8 miles today, it was soooo hot!!!


  1. Girl you are gonna kill ur self in this heat.....

  2. I know but it is so hard to find time for all these miles. I'm gonna have to find time in the evenings or log more miles on the weekends (morning or evening). That heat was just about too much!

  3. I keep saying I am going to get up @ 5 and put some miles in, but that hasn't happened yet...I am not good @ getting up early....after Saturday when I walked @ 8:30, and almost died, I did get up earlier on Sunday and it was much better, so I am gonna have to bite the bullet and just get my butt up!!!! You'll get there too, don't know how you are doing it at lunch these days, you are braver than me.....

  4. It is so hard for me to get up earlier than I do plus we have a morning routine. I only get to sleep in a little on weekends and it is so nice after a long week but I'm gonna have to do something. I do think though that during the week I may have to go to the indoor track on campus and forgo the noon walks.
